When you treat your dog to daycare at Midtown, you can rest assured that your canine pal is having the most engaging and enjoyable day possible in a supervised environment. They also receive lots of love and attention from our trained staff throughout the day.
We treat your dog like our own! All dogs receive several hours of socialization and playtime every day in our unique open play environment.
The Benefits of Daycare at Midtown:
Hours of socialization and playtime every day in a spacious environment
Consistent supervision by our trained, canine-savvy staff
Positive reinforcement and lots of love throughout the day
Your dog will be exhausted at the end of a rewarding and fun-filled day!
Midtown Groom & Board offers daycare six days a week, Monday through Saturday. Play groups are largely based on size, age, and personality of each of our dogs. Contact us today to set up your free playday and get a tour of our facility!